Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Waste of Space

There are some things in life that are wasting space, that are a waste of space, and cause wasted space.

There are many kinds of space to waste. 

One of which was very clear to me today. 

A waste of mental space. 

Why did this come to mind you ask? Let me tell you:

My summer roommate and friend of 5 years, Kelly, has been perusing the TV room and noted I own the games Dance Dance Revolution and Guitar Hero for the  PS2. As I do own these, in years past I have wasted much time in entertainment through them. (Time, another thing to waste)

Dance Dance Revolution became a fast favorite of mine in college when we played for hours on end instead of doing our soccer workouts. I, however, have not played much as of late. (It is much more fun with people than alone.) 

Kelly also played DDR for hours on end during her college career. 

So of course, having 2 hours to fill with something to do, and learning that we are both awesome at DDR, we played. 

*not as in arcade level awesome, those guys are cray cray. 

And it was as they say, like riding a bike. 

Why does my memory keep those steps and rhythms so keenly preserved?

What else could I put in my mind rather than (mostly) useless video game knowledge?

How can I train myself to use that power and form of memory for the greater good or at least more of a purpose?

What other things are stored in my mind that will come out at a least expected time?

But, alas, maybe it isn't a waste. Without it, I wouldn't have enjoyed the time spent playing DDR yesterday with Kelly or the memories that emerged from days in the quad of playing until we could hardly stand anymore.

So maybe a waste of space isn't all bad. Maybe it isn't a waste at all. But I would still like to know how to harness that power for the greater good.


1 comment:

  1. Not a waste. I bet you can still roller blade and do algebra :)
