Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Beautiful Feet

One of my favorite verses from the bible is about feet. It says, "how beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news" It is first in Isaiah 52 and then quoted again in Romans 10.

The context is about those sharing the good news of peace and good tidings and salvation. And it seems that in life right now I am surrounded by people who are going and doing just that. Whether in direct ministry or through teaching English or just helping those that they can. 

This girl just left for a summer in Thailand. She is working with college students and human trafficking victims. And she is just fantastic.

This guy is on a short trip to Kenya to teach men about leadership and exegesis through a partnership with Grace Church SC.

This gal is leaving for the summer to go to Hungary to work with refugees and teach them English. 

This gal is preparing to spend 10 months as a gap year living in Asia and learning about the culture and working alongside a family. 

This gal is returning from 3 years in Rwanda where she had been working in various functions in a school. (she will also be living with me for the summer!) 

This gal just returned from a gap year in Guatemala. 
This gal is in the Philippines working with the Peace Corps. 

This guy just left for a summer in Honduras as the leader for a short term team that he put together and fund raised and prepared all school year for.

And to be honest, I think that might not even be half of the people I know and love that are living and working and loving well outside of this country. (Not to mention all the people that I know and love that serve and love well inside the country)

I pray that their feet are indeed found to be beautiful by those that they meet and that the opportunity to share peace and good tidings and salvation is not missed in my own life.


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