Monday, March 24, 2014

30 by 30: The Completed List

You can find the original list here.

However, it did change quite a bit. And I am ok with that. Because of all the things I have learned in 30 years of life, one of thing that often bubbles to the top is change happens and you should probably just roll with it.

So here it is, the amended and completed list of 30 things done in my 29th year before turning 30:

1. Go to a play/live performance 
The first was The Living Gallery at a local university. It was quite impressive. I also went to a second play at a local theater that starred two dear friends in an adaptation of the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Also quite impressive.

2. Become a coffee/tea drinker
I have become a warm beverage appreciator, but not addict. My favorite drink aside from everything I had in England is the Indian Chai Latte at the Forest Coffeehouse in TR.

3. Downsize my wardrobe
With losing weight it has been interesting shifting and going through clothes, but I believe that I have indeed downsized my wardrobe and likely will a little more in the coming weeks.

4. Drive to the beach and back in one day
We did this in June and I don't know why I haven't done it more. It was so fun!

5. Go to the Braves vs. Reds game at Turner Field
As well as go to all the MLB stadiums in the US, I would like to see the Reds play in as many as stadiums as possible. This make 4, with one more on the horizon.

6. Eat adventurously
I tried everything new that I was offered and ate at many new restaurants. And I must say that I really like food.

Haggis, blood pudding, and baked beans for breakfast,
if that's no adventurous eating, I don't know what is

7. Visit 3 states I have never been to
I actually made it to 8, touching ground in every state from New Jersey to Maine.

8. See 3 bands that I have never seen before live
Band 1 - the Avett Brothers, Band 2 - Ben Rector, Band 3 - The Lumineers, and just for good measure, Band 4 - Brett Dennon
The Avett  Brothers
The Lumineers

9. Ride in a cab
No, I had never ridden in a cab before. Yes, my first cab ride was in England, with a very chatty little mate.

10. Just keep running
I did my first 5k, mud run, and 2 half marathons. I think I can qualitatively say that I am a runner, even if I am running at a pace that some people can walk.

11. Stay debt free and reach personal savings account goal
So far so good on the debt free and having the number I would like to see in my savings.

12. Find a semi-regular volunteer opportunity
I have been able to volunteer at my church during the week helping with piddly office tasks that I enjoy and others do not.

13. Try out 30 new recipes
Some from Pinterest, some from Aunt Betty (you may know her better as Betty Crocker), all mostly successful.

My first scones.
Sweet potato pie.

Blueberry lemon cookies

These muffins were de-licious!


14. Try as many interesting chocolates as I can
The add ins were: almond, cherry, ginger, coffee, toffee, peanut butter, pb&j, cocoa nibs, sweet potato, pumpkin, sunflower seeds, honeycomb, pop rocks, paprika, curry, bacon, orange, and maybe some others. The only one I honestly did not care for was the curry. My favorite was the pop rocks.

15. Plan an itinerary for international trip 
Success on all accounts here. It was a fantastic trip!

16. Get a new stamp in my passport
Manchester, England.

17. Rent a car
This was the first amendment, when I realized I had never done it before and had to do it last minute when some plans changed. I liked it. It is nice to drive a car that is new to you for a short time.

18. Visit 3 friends I have not seen in 3 years
BFF Leigh Ann and Alison were one trip. Jonathan and Rachel were another. And Rachael and Andy the last set. I also got to see my friend Chelsea that I also haven't seen in years. So that makes 7. Plus seeing my friend Amy and skyping with our other friend Amy whose face I hadn't seen live in 5 years.

19. Have an outfit for an interview if the opportunity arises
And the opportunity did arise and I was ill prepared, but now I have the interview outfit!

20. Climb a new mountain
Literally, not figuratively. I climbed 2. One in Maine I think called Pleasant Mountain and the other being Mount Le Conte in the Smokies.

Mt. Le Conte

21.  Travel by train
We did this in England/Scotland. Great way to travel. I wish it were a more convenient option here.

22. Join a small group at church
I am hesitant of this and was very cynical about it at first, but it has been wonderful!

23. Choose family
I rarely choose my family, it seems, living so far away. I had the opportunity to go to Mardi Gras this year and then a surprise party was planned for my dad's 60th birthday. I chose Dad and I am so thankful that I did. It was a wonderful weekend home and celebrating my dad's life and work.

24. Give up something I love for a short time
I gave up chocolate for 40 days. But I think I have eaten enough in the immediate days following to make up for the 40 days. 

25. Take the opportunity to see your favorite band more than once because you can
I saw Switchfoot 3 times this year. All of them were fantastic. And I would go again today if they were going to be nearby.

Fading West Film Screening, ATL
Music Farm, Charleston
Hangin with Jon in the balcony!

Charlotte, Amos' Southend

26. Meet a famous person
This had been suggested for the list, but I did not add it originally because there was no way that I could just make that happen. But then the stars aligned and last week I met Jon Foreman (and unknowingly John Mark McMillan) at a food court pre-show. I'm still feeling a little of the excitement from that.

Jon Foreman, my favorite since 8th grade.
He also let me know that 30s are better than 20s.
Hopefully he is correct!
John Mark McMillan, nice to make your acquaintance.

27. Go to the Biltmore Estate
I have lived in this area for over 5 years and never have I visited the Biltmore Estate. Now I have. It is quite impressive.

Richie Rich anyone?

28. Go on a hair-brained road trip
This happened in September and I would let it happen again tomorrow if the opportunity presented itself. SC to Maine in 2 days.

29. Read 30 books
The list will be a later blog post. Some of them ended up being children's books, but I read 30 books none the less.

30. Plan a trip to Fenway Park
The original list said to go, but the baseball season did not cooperate with my schedule. However, it has this year and I have a plane ticket to Boston and 2 tickets to Fenway Park to the Reds vs. Redsox game and free place to stay and a friendly face to visit in the month of May. Can't wait!

Now on to the next 30 years of things to do, places to see, and adventures to be had!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Amazing and impressive :) Joel will be jealous of your upcoming trip to Boston (too bad you can't hear my Boston accent every time I type the word Boston)!

    1. Funny, I was reading the Boston accent before you said you were typing in it :)

  3. Love reading this list. I hope to travel by train someday and visit Maine. Can't wait to see what the next thirty brings for you. I'll only be 87 by then :)

    1. I hope you get to do those things too!
      And age is just a number I'm sure you will be a young 87 :)

  4. How gratifying it must be to see what you've accomplished. The pix are great, too. Haggis? The baked goods look awesome! I look forward to your list of books read.

    1. Books will be coming soon-ish. I need to finish my England blogs. I'm only 4 months behind on those : )
