Monday, December 31, 2012

watching the weight

although it is not something i have focused on much and try not to talk about a ton, weight and fitness have always been a struggle for me (and many in my family). in college i did a pretty good job of tackling it. then i tore my ACL and that put a wrench in my fitness routine. after college i did ok at not gaining all my weight back with having rather active jobs.

then i started my current job. although it is a camp job, it is primarily a desk job. after my first year of being here, i decided it was time to do something about the fitness i had lost and the weight i had gained and most of my clothes being a little too snug. so a year ago, i tried some strategies on my own, which worked-ish. but once summer came around i just couldn't maintain it.

so in october i decided enough is enough. with the encouragement of my boss, Leanne, i joined weight watchers. i was pretty opposed to this method because i just wanted to be able to do it myself.

but low and behold, it works!

for some reason the points and the tracking and the way weight watchers is setup just really worked for me physically and mentally (and the fact that i was paying for it helped). it was almost like a game against myself. and as much i like to think i'm not overly competitive, i am.

today i met my first goal. i have lost 25 lbs and am down 2 sizes!

and as it turns out, none of my old clothes really fit anymore, which is a good problem to have.

since it has worked so well, i am deciding to keep up with the weight loss rather than going into maintaining. the next goal is 10 more lbs and then re-evaluate from there.

to those that were aware of this current venture in my life, thanks for the encouragement and support!


  1. Sounds really good so far. Congrats!
    I'm capable of getting "serious" for certain periods of time but the maintaining part never works for me. I seem to have only 2 modes: a) losing weight while, say, counting calories, and b) slowly drifting upward.
    For me, I think some PERMANENT decision/plan would be the only way... but who the heck wants to do THAT?
    In short, I'm saying: keep musing out here and let me/us know how Weight Watchers works in the long haul. It would be exciting to know that it could work.
    So is there money saved on munchables which can go to clothes? That would be excellent. When dieting, I really do reduce spending. I should ponder that more... on my way through the drive-thru.
    Nice to see you the other day & I hope this WW deal gives you exactly what you want out of it. Hmm... maybe that's why you beat your dad at Scrabble - you're moving toward a better playing weight. :-)

    1. actually for me, eating healthy is more expensive as i have been living mostly off of free camp food for a few years. i now dont eat much of it and buy most all my food. once i hit a good maintaining point i think i will try and figure out a better plan for spending, but for now it is worth the dent in my budget.

      i think keeping weight watchers long term would work, but i hope to reach a point where i can do it without the program. but i do think a food and activity log of some sort is what i need.

  2. You go you...sorry we were sick yiur last day here...

    1. sorry you were too. but that cant be helped.

  3. So proud of you, Hannah. And a good lesson learned-you can't always do things by yourself. (sorry-had to make a mom statement) You're lookin' good and I can tell you feel good, too. That's excellent.

  4. Congrats! That's awesome! Now you need to post pictures; before&after ones always look pretty cool :P

    1. sadly i didnt take any legit before pics. but i can probably come up with something. i did however fit into my smallest pair of old jeans today and got rid of all my too big clothes!

  5. Hannah, you will always be beautiful because your goodness and kindness shine through, but I love the idea of your feeling healthy and fit and secure in that. I know you can do anything you set your mind to, but losing and keeping weight off is really tough. So, I agree with getting a little help if it works. I think a plan like Weight Watchers takes the guess work out and gives you specifics. Sounds great.

    1. thanks aunt kris! and yes, it does give good specifics and support and i think that is super beneficial.
