Saturday, March 15, 2014

30 Blogs in 30 Days (or lack there of)

I guess that was a lofty goal.

30 blogs in the 30 days before I turn 30. A blog every day. I could have done it, but I guess life happened a little bit too much the past few weeks.

I went to OH for a few days and had a fantastic time with family.

Have had some interesting opportunities present themselves.

Have been baking and cooking a bit. (Pictured: Blueberry Lemon Cookies, yum!)

Just haven't been in a writing mood.

I think I will make my goal for 3 blogs this week, the week before I turn 30.

The 30 by 30 list has had much editing, but there will be 30 things completed that I had not done a year ago.

Spring has begun to spring up all over around here. The smelly Bradford Pear trees are blooming. In the park in Downtown Greenville the first greens of spring are starting to peek out of their slumber. We have had a series of days that are just to lovely to be spent inside.

This week, the week before I turn 30, I will be venturing to the Biltmore Estate, to which I have never been, with my wonderful friend Amanda. Then later that evening I will be following a presumably lovely day with a fun evening in Charlotte with 2 other wonderful friends at a Switchfoot concert (to which I have been a few times, and my friends have not).

A few more lofty goals are on the list for the coming week and the weeks to come, but I need to wait a little longer before rolling them out on the blog.

Until them, hopefully I can pump out the rest of the England blogs and some other musings that have been rolling around in my head.

Couldn't resist buying this beautiful tulip this week.


  1. Me, too! Lovely pictures. We don't have such hints of spring yet, though Jeff and I did see our first crocuses yesterday on our neighborhood walk. Soooo ready.
