Monday, August 12, 2013

Just Keep Running #4

I may have come out a little worse for the wear after the run.

The 2 nights before my long run I went to bed with a fever about 2-3 degrees higher than my usual. I decided Friday night that if I woke with a fever I would not run. When I woke I was back to normal. So I ran. It may have been a bad choice. 

During the run, I did not feel my best. And I learned a few things to do and not do before I set out on another big run. 

(This is the trail on which I do long runs)
- Train. I felt up to it as far as physical capacity. 
- Carry water or something. I failed to do this. I got water at mile 7, but after that there were no fountains. Poor, poor planning. 
- Use that tiny pocket in the running shorts to store a couple of bucks just in case. This came in handy as I paused the run when I came across a gas station and bought a Gatorade. 

- Run when you have been feeling sick. I have now been sick for a whole week. I think my body decided I was silly for running so far and wanted to punish me.
- Think you can't. Running is way more mental for me than a physical limit at this point. 
- Run without sustenance. Again, I learned that the hard way. 
Miles 7-10 were the most difficult. It got a lot hotter out by that time and less shady on the trail. And it wasn't until mile 10 that I came across that gas station.   

10-13.1 weren't too bad once I downed some Gatorade. 

My time was not what I had anticipated, but with the things I learned I think I can improve on it next time. 

I ended the 13.1 miles soaked in sweat, my shoes were even a little squishy, and mildly exhausted, but glad I did it. 

In March it was an accomplishment to run (and by run i mean slowly jog) 1 mile without stopping. And by the beginning of August I ran 13.1!  Well, mostly ran. There was plodding and jogging and a little bit of walking.

Never would I have thought I would enjoy running, but it turns out that I do. 

Who knows, maybe I will try for a full marathon in the spring. 

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