Monday, August 5, 2013

Just Keep Running #3

One of my goals for 30 by 30 is to just keep running. This includes a few things. One of them being complete a half marathon.

On Saturday, I did this (sort of). 

I did not sign up for a real race, partly because I didn't want to pay for it and partly because the timing of my starting the training program did not line up with any local races. 

I started running in March and getting through one mile without stopping was an accomplishment. And for some reason by April, I thought a half marathon sounded like a good idea. 

In April talk of doing a half marathon happened and I was given a training plan. The only problem was I needed to be able to run 6 miles before I could even start the plan. 

Step 1: build up to 6 miles.
Step 2: start the plan:

That happened toward the end of May. 

Conveniently, the plan was 10 weeks long and the summer camp season here is about 10 weeks long. 

Having some sort of distraction and goal during the summer outside of work is good for me and this summer it became running. 

And it all culminated Saturday with my own half marathon. 

I considered making a bigger deal out of it than I did, but I went with a rather small deal and just got up and started first thing in the morning and had my friend Steph chauffeur me back to my car.

I finished a bit slower than I anticipated and learned a few things about long runs and preparations that should be made along the way, but slow time or not, I did it.

(I think I like the calories burned the best)
More details to come in later posts, but I feel a little accomplished in that I (mostly) jogged 13.1 miles in one shot (there was some plodding and about a collective mile of walking) and didn't pass out or come out too worse for the wear so far. 


  1. What an accomplishment!!!! Most people will never know what it feels like to run that many miles all at once!!! Great job friend!

    1. Thanks! Coming from the girl who comes in 2nd in an ultra, that means a lot : )

  2. So... is a half MARATHON a MARA or a THON? Inquiring minds want to know. [MARA is a legal Words w/ Friends word, BTW.] Anyhow, congrats... and Kris is serious about helping to keep the shoes up to date. You ought (don't you just love "ought" statements from folks?) to run a 13.1 with Abby McGinnis. She does such silliness too. I believe she has one or more of the very cool oval decals saying 13.1 on her car.

    1. That would be fun to run with Abby, I'm guessing she's light years faster than me though. And we could do one close to Columbus so the Myers gang could cheer us on :)


  4. I am so excited and happy for you that you have found this healthy outlet, one that you love so much. It sounds like you have a good plan for avoiding injury, and I am so glad for that. Run on, my wonderful niece, run on!

  5. Wow, Hannah. That took incredible self-discipline. :)
