Thursday, August 22, 2013

Framily Blessings

Framily = friends + family

Living relatively far from home has forced me to develop relationships that if I were near my own family I would likely not develop. 

Not to say they replace my family in any way, but they certainly fill a void that is obvious when I haven't been home in months. 

One of the biggest blessings of my framilies is having people to share a meal with. 

Eating alone is fine and all, but eating at a family dinner table is much more enjoyable. 

At my last framily meal, one of the youngest was asked to say the blessing before eating. 

She was thankful for the food.  
She was thankful for the day.
She was thankful that I got to eat dinner with them that evening. 

And I am thankful to have friends that treat me as their family that I get to eat dinner with and be blessed by the blessing of a small child's thanks.