Thursday, January 24, 2013

There Would Be No Story

One of my all time favorite quotes is from the 2003 live action version of Peter Pan. (there is a similar line in the book). As the parents rush upstairs to check on the children the Narrator says in a pleasantly English accent:

It would be delightful to report that they reached the nursery in time...
but then, there would be no story.

It seems that over the past few years talking about life and how it is a story has become a rather popular and trendy thing to do. (Maybe this has always been popular and I am just now noticing.)

As trendy as it may be, it is an idea that I genuinely appreciate.

How many times do we wish we had made it just in time, or that this small circumstance had been changed? How would these small changes affect the bigger story, the picture that is being painted by the lives we live?

Would anyone want to read your story? To watch your story? To live your story?

Can we change our stories? Are our stories meant to change us?

This line from Peter Pan, as simple as it may be, gives me a rush of adrenaline every time I think about it. As the narrator says the line, you see the parents run up the stairs and the children fly out the window. And so begins their adventure in Neverland.

How many adventures are we missing because we want to arrive safely rather than take that seemingly small detour into something else?

I don't know about you, but I want a story worth telling. It doesn't have to be full of drama and flashing lights. But I hope that someday I look back at my life and see that I did not tip toe to death safely. I rather hope that I will look back and see that I danced, skipped, laughed, cried and fell on my face as often as possible and that hopefully through my life others were inspired to do the same.


  1. God has a great story for your life-so glad you are living it! Wise words, Hannah.
