Monday, July 9, 2012

what to write?

i started this blog primarily to write about the trip to israel per the request of family and dear friends. and as it turns out i like blogging. i never wanted to, but i do.

i am done routinely writing about israel. (i can't promise it will never come up again) so what should i write about?

thoughts, suggestions, smart remarks?

i have a few ideas floating around.

but what do you, my reader want to read about? mom, dad, ma, aunt kris this means you. because you are the only ones that comment : ) so what do you want to know about my life?

and since i like having pictures on this i will leave you with this from the 4th of july in OH. thank maggs! for my new fave picture of myself.


  1. I read your blog! I just don't comment :P

    Check out NaBloPoMo -- every month they have a theme and there's a new prompt each day to help you decide what to write about.

    1. Of course you do. Silly me. I knew that. Thanks for the tip and thanks for reading!

  2. I'd love to hear about life in South Carolina and of course camp life. The fun and funny stuff! :)

  3. Your crafting endeavors and stuff your learning in "life". I read too! Though I missed a couple in Kenya so I need to backtrack!

    1. spesh! wasnt sure if you were back the internet world regularly. good idea with crafting endeavors.

  4. As long as u put on facebook that you that u blog post up, i read it...i think u should blog about how awesome ur big sister, sara, is...i hear she pretty much rocks...

  5. Well. I would like to know what you're reading, of course. I'd like to know what you're baking, what happened during the day that made you laugh out loud, what you are looking forward to, what cool thing(s) happened at work, who is inspiring you at the moment, whether you have caught Bunheads yet and what you think, just general stuff of the Hannah variety! :-)

    1. thanks for the good ideas! and yes, i saw the first episode of bunheads. havent watched any since. it was interesting. but strange. i might try and catch another when i get some downtime.
