Sunday, September 2, 2012

friend art wall

in my house there are many rooms, which have many walls, which i like to cover with many things.

i do not care for a blank wall.

*there is actually one right in front of me right now that i have been thinking about how to decorate for a few weeks now.

my favorite wall is the one that i like to call 'the friend art wall'.

'the friend art wall' is the largest wall in my house. when i moved in i thought it would be a grand idea to use this large space to hang any art that has been gifted to me. there is art from my family. my mom, sister, niece, nephew, grandpa, pa, and aunt. there is art from a few of my favorite kids. there is art from staffers and from some of my dearest friends.

the style and media vary. and this is how i like it to be. acrylic paintings, a hand written quote, an embroidered owl.

there is still plenty of room for pieces to be added. style and media do not matter.

if you would like to contribute, you can send your art to:

hannaH wickline
100 Look Up Lodge Rd
Travelers Rest, SC 29690

happy creating!


  1. one of my favorite walls of yours, but also like the huge canvas' by your table and the pics when you first walk in. I have finally hung what I have on our walls, but have all sorts of good ideas for the blank spots!
